Mrs. Becky Van Rees To All Instructors

Becky Van Rees has taught in a co-op setting for over 15 years. She had the pleasure of running Friendship Community Baptist Co-op for nine of those years. She has led courses in Art Appreciation, World History, World Literature, U.S.History, American Government, and Socratic Seminar for middle and high school students. As a teacher, she is very excited to have the opportunity to teach history and literature. There is nothing more important to her than her relationship with Jesus Christ.  It is her desire to have her students experience education from a Godly perspective. Her goals for her classes are to give students a love for history, literature, and learning in general, sharpen their knowledge about their nation and world, and know that God has a purpose and a plan for His world and His people.

Current Classes
HS World Literature 10th+ – (open)
MS American History Part 2 – Instructor (open)
MS/HS American Literature Part 2 – (open)
HS American Government – (open)
HS World History 10th+ – (open)